Faculty Member

Salim Sadman Bishal


Bachelor of Science in “Mechanical Engineering”
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
Obtained CGPA: 3.81 on a scale of 4.00 (First Class with Honours Distinction)

Google Scholar: https://tinyurl.com/57ct69yn

Research Gate: https://tinyurl.com/4xnxjwph

Short Biography:

Salim Sadman Bishal joined the Department of Mechatronics Engineering at World University Bangladesh as a lecturer in June 2023. He received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh, where his thesis focused on mathematical modeling and analytical testing of sCO2 power cycles and different integrated energy systems. Prior to starting his academic career, he was employed as Chief Scientific Officer at ANTS Aerial Systems Ltd., the first ever drone tech company in Bangladesh, where he served as a coordinator for the Autonomy Team. He led quite a few projects, which include "Project Dragonfly," where he developed a reliable quadrotor UA as a testbed for multidimensional projects; "Project ANT Swarm," where he and his team developed a platform to control multiple UA using a single ground station and successfully demonstrated a swarm of 3 drones; and "Inspection and Security Drone Project," where he conceptualized a UA for the routine inspection, including security and condition assessment, of Padma Bridge in Bangladesh. He has two Q1-indexed journal publications in the subjects of energy system modelling and analysis.


  • Energy system modeling and analysis.
  • Unmanned Aircraft Control Systems.
  • Control Theory.
  • Highly intelligent mechanical systems.